Work Experiences

Industry Experiences


Analytics Engineer, January 2023 - Present

I work on ML Algorithms and Analytics for the Device Reliability and Ecosystem Insights. This includes data science and engineering aspects of root cause analysis, time series anomaly detections, device clustering and monitoring mechanisms, use of AI tools for internal knowledge-lake maintenance, etc.

Engineering Intern, May - August 2022

Lead contributor to the prediction of "Out of Memory" Kills (OOM) for the Netflix app. This involves curation and extraction of device capabilities and crash data from the Netflix Big Data Platform with a distributed SparkSQL query processing system. Further, using boosted ML algorithms to classify the on-device environment as "high risk" of OOM kill, to pre-emptively take action to lower memory usage. Also worked on VoiceAI-based user profile recognition for personalization of voice commands on Netflix. Here is a link to my Netflix Tech Blog Article.

American Express

AI/ML Software Engineering Intern, January - June 2021

I worked with the AI/ML Research Team to create an end-to-end interactive data exploration and navigation framework. The product had the capability to encompass a mammoth version of the company's current data pipeline. Some of the properties of the framework include - feature selection, extraction, and clustering, correlation analysis, statistical hypothesis testing, feature statistics, regression baselines, and XGBoost modeling - all under the same umbrella of a single product. The generated report serves as a baseline for ML modelers to build better models.


Software Engineering Intern (AI Ops), May - August 2020

Worked on building a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Engine that can triage issues and classify server errors by embedding knowledge into automated stackstorm workflows. The engine utilizes the time series anomalies of server characteristics from splunk, correlation analysis, and Neural Network-based error predictions. I also built a clustering algorithm for stack traces by conceptualizing a new 'func2vec' (function to vector embedding) algorithm and used stack-trace embeddings to visually classify stack traces in tensorboard projections. Click here to view my Salesforce Experience Article.

TU Braunschweig, Germany

Guest Scientist / Visiting Researcher, October - December 2019

Collaborated with an interdisciplinary team, on a physical as well as a virtual basis over 3 months to work on Industry 4.0 problems for the Indo-German Challenge for sustainable production. I was a part of the visualization team, responsible to use augmented reality-based tools to monitor production lines in a unity-based app. The project was funded by Stifterverband. Here is the website of the research and exchange.

Indian Space Research Org

Research Intern, May - August 2019

Worked on a project that aims at Land Use classification using microwave satellite images around the Bharatpur Sanctuary region to better identify agricultural lands and water bodies. This was one of the world's first works on deep learning-based classification of temporal SAR satellite data frames - on a self curated dataset. Here is the link to my publication of this work.

Teaching Experiences

Carnegie Mellon University

Graduate Teaching Assistant

10-701 Introduction to Machine Learning (PhD) - Spring 2022 and Fall 2022

11-637 Foundations of Data Science - Summer 2022 

BITS Pilani

Teaching Assistant

CS F212 Database Systems, CS F101 Computer Programming, CS F213 Object Oriented Programming

Designed labs on Database Management Systems in SQL, Transactional and Relational SQL

Computer programming course involving C and Unix based assignments for the freshman course

Conducted lab sessions for the Java-based assignments